Neuromuscular and sports massage therapy in Tauranga  helps you resolve pain, prevent injury and maximise your performance


Reach your true potential


Appointments &

Reach your true potential in health, sport and human performance   


Yoga &

Live classes to improve balance, breathing function, strength and mobility  



Over 100hrs of free online yoga rotiunes, core workouts and mobility tutorials

"I continue to enjoy better sleep, more flexibility and improved mental energy"

I feel stronger, more confident and have more motivation to keep working on my fitness

"I’ve become fitter, faster and stronger as a result for trail running events"

Lawrence Edser

owner at the movement project

Lawrence has over 12 years of clinical experience working alongside a range clients to help them achieve the things they love to do.  He founded The Movement Project in 2015 and has completed a Bachelor’s Degree and Post Graduate studies in Health, Sports and Human Performance.  

"His knowledge as an athlete in his own right is vast"

"Fast forward a year & I can sit here writing this review having completed the Tarawera 100 miler"

"The Movement Project supports both physical and mental health

Optimal Health
Peak Performance
Massage Therapy