Neuromuscular and sports massage therapy in Tauranga  helps you resolve pain, prevent injury and maximise your performance

Program 2

The following routines and recipes will give you a nice balance of health and fitness. Im a big believer that food plays a vital role in performance, and that we cant have one without the other.  Follow this program over the week to target key areas on the body and to support your training with good nutrition.  Please visit the Strength Series if you are new to lifting weights and follow the necessary tutorials. 


Todays session will challenge shoulder strength and stability as well as building balance in the hips and legs.


This session works on abdominal stabilisation and hip stability. Modify the Swiss ball plank with a standard plank if needs be. Go at your own pace and enjoy.


This session focuses on both strength and dynamic stability. We will be holding the weight in one hand through out the session, which will add more complexity to these key movement patterns. Each modification may require you to adjust the weight you lift.


This is a great breakfast as well as a fantastic recovery snack.  Easy to make and can be prepared the night before to save precious time in the morning.


Quick, easy and delicious. Blend it fine, strain it or enjoy it chunky. Full of goodness and great to add to your smoothies or to drink it straight.


This recipe is a daily favourite, whether I have it for breakfast, eat it after a long training session or halve the recipe in the evening for a dessert.  It’s full of antioxidants, complex carbs, protein and good fats, giving you sustained energy when you need it.

"My first experience of The Movement Project and I absolutely love it"

"The Movement Project is essential for optimal & long-term mobility, functioning & performance"

"Results: I have attained PB’s in all the 3 disciplines of Ironman triathlon"

Optimal Health
Peak Performance
Massage Therapy